Time is your weapon, If you lose it, you will lose the battle. - Khaled Ibrahim
أَعيشُ عَلى فُتاتِ أَحْلامٍI live on remnants of dreams - Khaled Ibrahim
.أن يكون لديك هدف -ولو بسيط- أفضل دائمًا من أن تكون بلا هدفHaving a goal, even though it is simple, is always better than being aimless. - Khaled Ibrahim
وإذا أنْتَ أثْبَتتَ أنَّ الكَلْبَ أوْفى مِنْكَ، فَأنا ما زِلْتُ إنْسانًاAnd if you have proven that dog is more loyal than you, I am still human - Khaled Ibrahim
I live on remnants of dreams - Khaled Ibrahim